Back in “The John”

The Fort St. John that is, although I’m starting to realize that it has a lot in common with it’s slang counterpart.

I had four days off to go back home to Vancouver, and it was a whirlwind weekend. I spent time with family, old friends, and made a new one. I shopped, ate, and chopped my hair. It was a productive extended weekend, even though it seemed like it ended way too soon.

The haircut was the most stressful part of my trip home. I always end up with hair anxiety, this time was no exception. Continue reading

10 days.

I’ve been in the hell that is Fort St. John for 41 one days without so much as a half day off every two weeks or so. I’m mentally exhausted, I’m physically exhausted and it shows. In 10 days I’m headed back home to Vancouver for a four-day weekend. I’ve never been so excited for anything in my entire life. Continue reading

The Biggest Loser, Hotel Edition.

As I’ve mentioned, for the next two months I’m traveling for work and living out of a suitcase in Fort St. John. Initially I was discouraged during my first trip here right before Christmas, but after some time off and making some real headway at work I’m super pumped about being here. I’ve decided to take these two months and use them to my full advantage, making my primary focus (aside from work) exercise and fitness. Continue reading

Greetings From Fort St. John OR How I Survived Without Protein Powder

Well, on my first official work related trip recruiting and hiring staff for a new location of our store that’s slated to open very soon. I flew up here a few days ago, on one of those smallish Bombardier planes. The kind where they don’t connect directly to the terminal and you have to traipse across the tarmac. When we landed I saw nothing but white blowing snow, and suddenly I had Winnipeg flashbacks. But I was prepared bundled in layer upon layer and donning my ugly trusty UGG boots I deplaned only to be bitch slapped with the intense feeling of snow and a -39 windchill.

God it felt like Winnipeg. Continue reading